
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Apple Quietly Discontinues iPhone Bluetooth Headset

It's not like there aren't a huge number of possible models of Bluetooth headsets to use with your iPhone, or any phone, but it's interesting that Apple has apparently discontinued the iPhone Bluetooth headset it introduced with the original iPhone, as noted at their store (above).

Of course, it's been two years, and that's a long time for a Bluetooth headset. It wasn't exactly all that well-received, either. Praised for its looks, it only received 3 out of 5 stars in reviews on the site.

In reality, Bluetooth headsets are a pain, meaning it often takes several tries to find one that works "just right" with a particular phone. It can be as a result of the phone, the headset, or it can even be that the headset just "doesn't fit right."

If Apple is planning to introduce a new iPhone sometime later this year, a refresh of the iPhone Bluetooth headset would be a natural addition to that announcement.

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